The Jacqueline Vodoz and Bruno Danese Foundation houses a collection of works, objects, photographs and documents collected by Jacqueline Vodoz and Bruno Danese from 1957. This was the year the couple embarked on an adventure together that endured until Jacqueline Vodoz passed away in 2005. Founding the DANESE company, they invented a new method of production entailing Editori di Design, which became known all over the world for its high quality and original approach to integrating art and manufacturing through producing home and office objects, art editions and children's toys.
Between the end of the 1950s and the beginning of the 1960s, Jacqueline Vodoz and Bruno Danese pursued joint projects with some artist-designers like Bruno Munari and Enzo Mari, who reflect upon art and seriality, uniqueness and plurality, upon the object and the aesthetic qualities of the material that constitutes it. They sponsored initiatives that revolutionized the industry, yet they spoke the language of art. For over thirty years, the public has been able to visit the Danese showroom in Milan to witness a company that produces objects, but above all to encounter an enterprise that produces culture through behavior, events and exhibitions. In a wholly innovative way, they provided a dialectic space to foreground the contradictions and shifts of thought that design research reveals.
The Jacqueline Vodoz and Bruno Danese Foundation was established in 2006 and has its registered office in Via Santa Maria Fulcorina 17, Milan.
Institutional aims
The Foundation, in order to pursue education, culture, study and research, has the following aims:
A - to safeguard, promote, diffuse, celebrate, collect, archive and house objects, works, documents, projects and books collected or produced by Jaqueline Vodoz and Bruno Danese from the 1950s. The collection spans design and visual arts in accordance with the far-reaching concept of design and aesthetic research, leading to a wealth of heritage of exceptional value and rare coherence which acts as an important testimony to the era.
B - to organize events, meetings and exhibitions
C - to give scholars, researchers and students access to the spaces dedicated to exhibiting and displaying the Foundation's assets and archives
La Fondazione è amministrata da un Consiglio di Amministrazione il cui presidente è:
Emilio Aguzzi de Villeneuve
Curatrice e Responsabile: Manuela Cirino
Collaboratrice e Archivista: Isabella Di Pietro